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Friday Night Cleaning: It’s The Cool New Thing To Do


It’s Friday night and you know what that means: It’s the perfect time to clean!

Wait, what? Don’t stop reading! Give this idea a chance and we’re sure you’ll agree: Your Friday nights will never be the same.

Why clean on Friday night?

You likely just put in a full week of work. Why would you want to work more? Because then you can truly enjoy the rest of your weekend.

You can lay in bed longer Saturday morning with a smile on your face knowing that when you do get up, your home will be relaxingly clean. If you change the sheets Friday night, that luxurious feeling of lying in bed might give you another reason to smile.

Getting the housework out of the way means you can go out without any guilt of household duties hanging over your head. Or you can stay in and enjoy your space without being surrounded by a never-ending to-do list.

It doesn’t have to take the whole night

One way to start the Friday night cleaning trend is to start small, doing just 30 to 45 minutes. Starting your weekend with that sense of accomplishment will kick things off right! What can you get done in that amount of time? Quite a bit if you get in the zone.

Here are a few five minute or less tasks: Clean the cat litter. Take out the garbage. Clear off the stairway of items waiting to go up or down. And clean the millions of fingerprints from door frames, doorknobs and other areas that you see every single day.


An easy way to tackle fingerprints is to grab a cloth and a multi-cleanser, like the Amway L.O.C. Multi-Purpose Cleaner, and go from room to room erasing every spot, smudge, spill and splatter you see. It’s an easy and fast way to make a big difference!

Tackle the pet peeves

Another way to make a big difference is to focus on the pain points. Are you dismayed by the dust you see on your television every day? Do your eyes laser in on the spotted window by the kitchen sink or the toothpaste on the bathroom mirror? And how about that coffee pot that begs to be cleaned?

Put those at the top of your to-do list each Friday and the next morning, great joy will come to your heart as you go throughout your day, starting from when you stare into a clean bathroom mirror and walk down uncluttered stairs and continuing to when you pour your morning caffeine from a shiny coffee pot and stare out your sparkling window.

Move on to bigger things

Surely, you’ve stopped pooh-poohing this idea as you realise all this Friday night cleaning might be something good. You’ll get more excited if you knock the time up to two hours instead of 45 minutes or since you’re home anyways, why not get started a little earlier?


Pop your load of laundry into your washing machine first thing in the morning and then let Mother Nature do her work as you hang it out to dry throughout the day. Make sure you have enough Amway Home SA8™ Laundry Detergent and Amway Home Prewash Spray Soil & Stain Remover so you’re not derailed by running out of supplies or a tough stain.

If you have a dryer, even better! You can just shift your load into the dryer and then in the evening, all you’ve got to do is fold your laundry. This gives you more time to focus your Friday night cleaning on some other bigger projects: the kitchen and the bathroom. By Friday, the kitchen is usually in desperate need of some detailed cleaning, so grab the Amway L.O.C. Multi-Purpose Cleaner and tackle the counters and cupboards. Do the dishes and put out a new dishcloth and towels.


Same for the bathrooms. Keep Amway PURSUE Disinfectant Cleaner One Step under the sink so it’s easy to grab and go. This powerful cleaner acts as disinfectant, cleaner, sanitiser, fungicide, mildew stat, virucide and deodoriser that sterilises and cleans with just 1 step for a spick and span bathroom. There is a true sense of accomplishment in scrubbing that bowl clean – plus, it doesn’t take long.

Make it a group effort

Once the kitchen and bathroom are done, you can settle into the living room to fold clean laundry while you binge on your favorite shows. Friday night cleaning is looking better and better, right? And so are Saturday and Sunday since those days will be more carefree.

So next Friday, turn on the music and start dancing the night away with your broom and dust cloth. One more bit of valuable advice: If your household has multiple members: many hands make light work. Get everyone in on the Friday night cleaning trend!