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Bake, Grill and Roast Healthy Dishes with Noxxa

Undoubtedly, one of life’s greatest pleasures is to wake up to the scrumptiously mouth-watering aroma of freshly baked bread wafting in from the kitchen. In fact, baking bread and other goodies is a wonderfully relaxing and creative hobby which not only engages your senses but is also a way of showing your love and affection to your dear ones.

Bake your own bread cookies and cakes

Home baked breads and other goodies are worth the effort, as they are not only fresher and tastier, but also much healthier than store-bought variety which may be laden with additives, preservatives and unhealthy trans fats to make it last longer. Plus, you have complete control over the ingredients that go into the bread and you can tweak the recipes to suit your taste.

Bake your own bread

But let’s be honest, baking fresh bread is not a simple task. It’s a long process from mixing the dough to proofing it, before finally popping the dough into the oven. Even then, a careful eye on the clock and oven is needed so that when you take your bread out of the oven, it has a beautiful golden crust, fluffy texture, and delicious taste.

A slip of the mind will only result in a blackened piece of bread that is hard as rock and a horrid burnt scent in your kitchen. Fortunately, we can avoid this.

Noxxa BreadMaker Oven Toaster - Your Handy Kitchen Companion That Bakes, Roasts and Grills!

Grill meat and vegetables using the BreadMaker

If you are short on time or the lengthy process of making bread does not appeal to you, you can still meet your goal of serving healthy, fresh food to your family by investing in the Noxxa BreadMaker Oven Toaster. As a fantastic, worthwhile investment, this nifty appliance multitasks, working hard and efficiently. It not only bakes bread and cakes but also has roast, grill and toast functions so you can save some space on your countertop.

Bake your own muffins

Baking bread and cakes is quick, simple and hassle free with the Noxxa BreadMaker Oven Toaster with 12 bread machine programmes that include variable toasting and crust colour selection. So, you can have a wide variety of fresh wholesome breads and baked goods customised to your individual taste.

The large display window allows you to check on your food without having to open the door. In case you do need to open the door and check the oven at any point, just press the pause button and it will restart from where it stopped.

What’s more, if you’re planning a busy day out with very little time to cook dinner, the delay feature will work wonders for you. You can plan up to 13 hours ahead of time, so before you leave just pop the ingredients you need cooked later on, set the timer, and walk in at the end of the day to a perfectly cooked, healthy meal. Additionally, the preheat bake, defrost and keep warm functions make food preparation a breeze!

Noxxa BreadMaker Oven Toaster

So, relax, save your elbow grease while cooking, baking and grilling like a pro with your handy helper, the Noxxa BreadMaker Oven Toaster.

Get your Noxxa BreadMaker Oven Toaster today!