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What’s Hiding In Your Kitchen?

From cholera to food poisoning and dysentery, Malaysia has seen its fair share of food and waterborne diseases. In fact, Malaysia is one of the countries that have high cases of foodborne diseases due to the suitable temperature and condition for the growth of most bacteria1.

Due to our hectic lifestyles and an inherent love of culinary variety, many Malaysians choose to eat out instead of at home. However, numerous food handlers across the country may not be sufficiently trained on the importance of food safety and all its procedures. One study on food safety even detected salmonella on 48% of the food handlers’ hands2.

That said, even homecooked food may carry the same risk. The truth is, foodborne bacteria can be transmitted at various stages of food preparation whether the kitchen is yours or a restaurant’s. Therefore, it is important to wash your hands constantly and always ensure that all surfaces in your kitchen are as clean and germ-free as can be.

Let’s take a closer look at the areas you need to cover and how to clean them properly:

Kitchen counters and cutting boards

Your kitchen counters see a lot of action – and a lot of it is dirtier than you think as raw ingredients hide a slew of germs and bacteria. Also, did you know that there are 200 times more faecal bacteria from raw meat on the average cutting board in a home than a toilet seat3?

Remember to use a disinfectant kitchen cleaner like the L.O.C. Kitchen Cleaner and then dry off the countertop with a paper towel to absorb excess moisture. It is recommended to use one cutting board for meats and another for vegetables to avoid cross-contamination. Regardless of how many you have, do clean your cutting boards with a kitchen disinfectant after every use or put them in a dishwasher.

Kitchen sink

Are you guilty of scrapping whatever is left on your dishes into the sink or throwing other leftover food down the drain? Bacteria love feeding on this discarded food – and the longer you leave your dirty dishes in the sink, the more time they have to do so.

Rats and other pests will also be attracted by the unpleasant smell. Make it a habit to wash up as quickly as possible, then scrub your sink clean and wipe it with a disinfectant such as the Pursue Disinfectant Cleaner when you are done.

Kitchen tiles

It’s easy enough to overlook your kitchen tiles until they are splashed by hot oil from your frying pan – but don’t just wipe off the grease with a paper towel. Be sure to use a cleaning product like the L.O.C. Soft Cleanser, which is gentle yet effective on grimy, bacteria-laden surfaces.

Creamy in texture yet tough on stains, it is also great on ceramic cooktops, showers, toilets, fixtures and the sink. Simply use a small amount on a cloth or sponge and rinse with water.

Kitchen sponges and dishcloths

Because they are often wet or usually stay moist, it is easy for bacteria such as E. coli to thrive on germy kitchen sponges and dishcloths. Experts recommend you replace them every week, but until then, this is how you can maintain sponges and dishcloths in hygienic condition.

Rinse them with hot water after use and add ¼ capful or two pumps of the DISH DROPS Concentrated Dishwashing Liquid. Squeeze well to distribute the product and air dry until next use. You can also put your sponge into the dishwasher or microwave it on high for 30 seconds to kill germs.

Kitchen refrigerator

Just think of how often you and your family members pull on that refrigerator door handle with unsanitised hands, and don’t even get us started on how long your fruits and vegetables can sit forgotten in the crisper – the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Besides that, the bottom shelf often has plenty of bacteria as moisture and condensation drip down from the upper shelves.

Be sure to thoroughly clean your refrigerator inside out every two weeks and use a safe product without harmful chemicals that effectively reduces dirt build-up such as the L.O.C. Multi-Purpose Cleaner. Bonus: You will also love its fresh, clean and uplifting scent.

Find all these kitchen cleaning essentials and more at Amway.my


  1. Abdul-Mutalib, N.A., Syafinaz, A.N., Sakai, K. and Shirai, Y. An overview of foodborne illness and food safety in Malaysia. International Food Research Journal 22(3): 896-901 (2015).
  2. Lee, H.K.; Abdul Halim, H.; Thong, K.L.; Chai, L.C. Assessment of Food Safety Knowledge, Attitude, Self-Reported Practices, and Microbiological Hand Hygiene of Food Handlers. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 55. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph14010055
  3. https://www.newsweek.com/ipads-and-four-other-everyday-items-dirtier-toilet-seat-864062