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Founders Double Diamond Salahudin & Nor Fauzana

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Founders Double Diamond Salahudin & Nor Fauzana


Time With Our Children Became Our Inspiration

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Our Amway journey kicked off when a family friend shared his Nutrilite experience with us. Salahudin, who loves his food, began to see the need for supplements to achieve a healthier lifestyle. This friend's sharing of the Amway Sales & Marketing Plan also sparked a shared ambition to chase our dreams together.

We are grateful to have been surrounded by remarkable mentors at Amway, who encouraged our attendance at weekly meetings, where we learnt the core principles of Amway and the essentials of building our business.

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Amway's promise of quality family time encouraged us to take the leap of faith. Our children became our inspiration to pursue this entrepreneurial path as we sought for more family time, as well as the privilege and joy of watching them grow up.

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Life before Amway was an endless cycle of window shopping and exhausting work. Now, we share joyful shopping trips with our loved ones and live in a lovely home that we are proud to call our own. Our schedules, once packed with the daily grind, now hold exciting travel plans around the world, creating cherished memories with our children.

Like many others, our family's lifestyle has completely transformed with Amway. We eat better and exercise more, including cycling and taking brisk walks after taking our daily supplements. The benefits are clear - we're healthier and fitter.

We are grateful to see our dreams come to life and to secure our children's future. By the grace of Allah, we trust that their future successes are assured, much of which we attribute to the opportunities provided by Amway.

Salahudin says: “As a father, the quality time spent with my children is priceless. My dream of being a full-time dad has been fulfilled. After achieving Founders Platinum and Founders Emerald, we stepped away from our previous jobs to devote ourselves to Amway.”

We encourage everyone to have the courage to pursue their dreams. Amway is within everyone's reach. For those considering this journey, hold on fast to your ambitions. If you believe you can, then yes, you can!