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4 Couple Workouts to Try

Having a workout or gym buddy always makes things a little more fun and exciting. Especially when that buddy is your significant other. Of course, your workout partner doesn’t have to be your bae, but here are some fun couples’ workouts to try as a pair (be it your bae or your bud).

Working out together doesn’t just help you stay accountable with your workout routine and goals, but it also allows you to spend more quality time with your loved one or friend. Working out as a pair or group provides moral support and motivation for you to keep pushing on! A little friendly competition never hurt anyone. Right?

Side-to-Side Crunches

Plank and Reach

Planks are hard enough to do on two hands, but on one hand? Make it exciting and rewarding by doing your planks and reaching out your hand to give your partner (romantic or otherwise) a high five for keeping up!

Assisted Sit-Up

Sit-ups and crunches really burn, but that burn is worth it! Make it even more worthwhile by having your partner hold your ankles in place or sit on them. Reach out and give them a high five or a smooch with each sit-up you do.

Pistol Squats

Work on your glutes and hamstrings with a little help. With your partner as a counterweight, grasp arms and slowly lower yourselves into the pistol squat position. You can choose to hold this position for a 10-count or alternate hands as you rise up to make the position a little more challenging.

Cool down

Phew! That was quite the workout! Be sure to cool down correctly and stretch out those sore muscles. Remember to rehydrate your body and refill your electrolytes. Try out the Fiery Blaze series of our energy drinks, available in Pink Grapefruit or Classic Black to suit your taste. Grab a shaker full of XS Mixed Whey Protein with Chocolate Flavour to pad your workout routine and replenish your energy stores.

Be sure to keep your body well-cared for in other aspects, too! Repetitive exercise and movement can cause joint pains in the future. Strengthen your bones and make sure you’re getting the right kind of calcium with Nutrilite Cal Mag D Plus. Don’t forget your glucosamine! Pair your Cal Mag D Plus with Nutrilite OsteGlucosamine to make sure you’ll stay spry for longer!

Looking for a challenge to try with your partner or friends? Join the BodyKey Own-It Challenge and stand a chance to win great rewards as you get healthy! For more information, visit www.bodykey.my.

Also! Don’t miss out on showing off your skills! Make your favourite workout drink or meal with XS or Nutrilite products and tag us on @xs_msb on Instagram. The best recipes will be featured on AmwayNow.