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The Tropical Herbs Post Natal Care Set is Perfect for New Mothers

The day your precious one arrives is a very memorable day indeed. When you hold your tiny newborn baby in your arms, you are filled with an overwhelming surge of maternal love and the desire to care for them to the best of your ability.

On the one hand, most mothers delight in their role as a new parent, but on the flip side, being primarily responsible for the child is overwhelming at first because of the fatigue and limited time available for self-care.

Additionally, the mother’s body is weakened by loss of blood during delivery. Hormonal fluctuations in the postpartum period may also take an emotional toll that can be made worse by the fatigue and endless nights.

The Perks of Confinement and Post Natal Care in Asia

During confinement, Asians have a great culture of mothering the new mother because a happy, emotionally supported mother will bond well with her newborn on many levels. A happy mother essentially begets a happy baby.

The new mother is cherished and pampered as well as allowed total rest for a period ranging from a few weeks to a month so that the body can strengthen and rejuvenate from the rigours of childbirth.

In conjunction with this, mothers are offered a carefully chosen postnatal diet, which is tailored to help accelerate her recovery and nourished with wholesome meals to promote the healing of wounds and rebuilding tissue.

Additionally, massages for the new mother are highly recommended. They not only help her relax but are also beneficial to her physically as it promotes blood circulation, prevents the uterus from sagging, and gets rid of toxins and wind from the body.

Meanwhile, herbal medications aid recovery of reproductive organs, improve appetite, increase milk supply and bolster physical strength.

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Choose Tropical Herbs Post Natal Care Set for All Your Needs

This complete postnatal care set comes with a whopping 11 items to smooth your new journey of motherhood. From essential postnatal vitamins to gentle, all-natural pampering products, this 11-piece set is meant to be used over 44 days to stimulate recovery and care for new mothers after birth.

Start your day with a cup of Tropical Herbs Herbal Tea that cleanses your system and detoxes. Follow that with the After Birth 1 postnatal herbal supplements that help promote the production of breast milk and After Birth 2 supplements that help new mothers restore their figure even while breastfeeding.

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Enjoy a mini spa at home with Tropical Herbs bath care made for postnatal comfort. Included in the set is Cleansing Herbal Scrub Soap and Warming Ginger Massage Oil made with essential oils for glowing skin as well as Comforting Baby Oil + Virgin Coconut Oil designed to soothe your baby’s skin.

Continue the pampering with more postnatal treatment products like the Feminine Herbal Wash with Prebiotic & Manjakani and Firming Herbal Blend sachets to cleanse your skin while indulging in more self-care with the Soothing Nipple Balm and Multiflora Calming Spray. Love your baby, love yourself too!

Add the 11-Piece Tropical Herbs Post Natal Care Set to your basket today!