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Committed To Sustainability – Part 2

In our last article, we learned about Amway’s dedication to protecting plants and natural resources as one of its top priorities in environmental sustainability. Moving beyond conservation measures to restorative practices on certified organic farmland and encouraging similar efforts from partner farms, the company continues to innovate sustainable methods of managing soil health.

Now, we take a closer look at its next step:

Sustainable product and packaging actions and commitments

At the heart of our journey is our belief in the power of plants to promote wellbeing and deliver the best products to support consumers on their wellness journey. We’re working to create products and packaging that enable our customers to make choices that reduce their environmental impact – as well as making Amway more sustainable.

With our products we are…

  • Considering the entire lifecycle of our products and resources to help inform environmentally conscious product creation.
  • Creating products using consciously chosen ingredients, keeping both people and the planet in mind. For example, new G&H rinse-off formulas are made with biodegradable formulas, making them safer for our waterways.

With our packaging we are…

  • Using less plastic when possible. We’re also striving to use more post-consumer recycled (PCR) content and to design packaging that makes recycling simpler. For example:
    - G&H body and baby care product bottles contain 30% post-consumer recycled plastic(1). Bottles and cartons are recyclable, too(2).
    - ARTISTRY SKIN NUTRITION packaging globally eliminated 21% of plastic compared to previous ARTISTRY skincare product lines(3). Annual plastic use for all of the line’s SKUs was reduced by 130,930kg while delivering the same amount of product.
  • We’re reducing paper packaging. For example:
    - ARTISTRY SKIN NUTRITION packaging globally saves 23,925kg of paper annually(4) by eliminating most inserts with information now printed inside cartons.

  • Reducing packaging waste. For example, many of our plastic bottle manufacturing lines regrind and reuse their manufacturing scrap.

The truth is, Amway has always aimed to live responsibly, and we believe in providing choices that help others do the same. To us, sustainability is a journey full of possibilities and opportunities to make a difference for the planet – through our own actions and by empowering our ABOs and their customers to reduce their impact.

Protecting plants and natural resources, designing more responsible products and packaging and globally reducing the impact of our operations: these are our priorities for making the planet better today. People at Amway have long made environmentally conscious improvements across the company. Our new targets through 2030 will further protect soil and water, reduce emissions, conserve resources and more. Be sure to track our progress and new initiatives as our journey continues!

At Amway, we see sustainability as a journey full of possibilities and opportunities to make a difference for the planet. To learn more, stay tuned for our next article.


1 G&H products produced in Ada, Michigan (USA) and G&H baby products produced in Korea.

2 Excludes pumps. Plastic bottles and paper packaging are recyclable where appropriate facilities exist.


4 2.27kg per 500-sheet paper ream.